A philosophical expression of our society.
This Spanish Basque painter and sculptor draws as much inspiration from the complexity of human behaviour that he observes in our society as he does from the richness and power of the natural world around him.
With his characters seen from above and dressed in the same way, Alberto Letamendi explores philosophically, through his different series, the duality between the individual and the group, the impact of History and our cultures on our behaviour and the very special relationship that Man can have with Nature.
To illustrate this, he uses several techniques and natural materials such as iron dust, stone, wood and natural pigments.
Alberto has exhibited all over the world (France, Belgium, USA, Mexico) and his works are part of important private collections. In 2019, he inaugurated a sculpture ‘Elkarri Begirra’ commissioned by the city of Tolosa (Spain), to celebrate the peace process in the Basque Country.
Mixed technique: natural pigments, acrylic, marble powder...