The art to enhance the human being through soldering.
"To free ourselves from the mind-body opposition and try to represent, not the body we have, but the body we are".
As a child, Rudy Morandini was fascinated by the ancient statuary he discovered during a visit to a museum. After studying medicine in Strasbourg and osteopathy in Lyon, he acquired a solid knowledge of human anatomy. This was supplemented by numerous courses in life drawing.
For him, the body is an infinite field of exploration. He does not seek to reproduce a plastic anatomy, but tries to express feelings such as shyness, joy, self-confidence, seduction, doubt... through an attitude and a posture.
The choice of the nut is multi-faceted. Firstly, not only is it reminiscent of the cellular structure of our bodies, but from a technical point of view it can cope very well with the constraints imposed on it by the artist: it can withstand temperatures in excess of 1,000 degrees, it is stable and lets light through.
Rudy Morandini has exhibited in galleries in Belgium, England and Italy.
He was also guest of honour at the Bresse sculpture festival in 2019 and 2022.
Technique: nut soldering.